Headteacher's Welcome
It is my pleasure, on behalf of the governors, staff and students, to welcome you to the school.
Whitmore High School is a mixed comprehensive school with an excellent record of achievement. Students achieve the highest standards of work and behaviour in a positive, friendly but disciplined atmosphere. Our highly-qualified staff are committed to ensuring all students reach their full potential, and we work closely with parents to achieve this.
In 2015, we were delighted that Ofsted again judged the school to be Outstanding in all areas, including the Sixth Form. The inspection team commented on the “outstanding progress” and “exemplary behaviour” demonstrated by our students, our “commitment to making sure that all students achieve their best” and the “exceptional” support for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development which our students receive. A copy of the Ofsted report is available on the school website.
We care for our students as individuals and support them to be happy, confident and successful young people. We stretch and challenge them to achieve their very best in all aspects of school life, and we provide a wide range of pastoral and extra-curricular opportunities to enrich their personal development.
Whitmore is a popular and oversubscribed school. We have close and supportive links with our local primary schools, but also welcome students from outside this network.
I encourage you to visit us during the working day – we would be delighted to welcome you, and to organise a personal meeting. Please do contact the school to make an appointment.
James Rebbitt