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Pastoral Care

At Whitmore, every child is known and cared for as an individual.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our care for all students, which begins before they have even arrived! We recognise that the move from primary school to high school is an important step for every child, and we work closely with local primary schools to support all students in this important transition.

A team of form tutors, led by a Head of Year and their Deputy, looks after each year group. This team provides constant personal, social and academic care and guidance, ensuring that every child feels secure to learn and thrive in our school community. The year team moves up the school with the students, and so gets to know them very well during their time at Whitmore.

Additional extensive mentoring and support is offered to provide further care for students as they prepare for public examinations.

Students need to attend school regularly to achieve their full potential. We monitor attendance closely, and we expect every student to achieve at least 98% attendance.


Rewards and discipline

At every stage, we praise students and reward their achievements, whether through the whole school system of credits and certificates, by a word of praise or thanks, recognition in assemblies, awards meals, or our annual Achievement Evenings. We also recognise great work in displays around the school and in our monthly newsletter.

Good school discipline goes hand-in-hand with our outstanding pastoral care. Excellent behaviour is founded on self-respect, motivation, courtesy, consideration for others and an understanding that we all have rights and responsibilities. We expect the highest standards of behaviour, which are a key part of the positive and friendly atmosphere of our school.

Students and parents are asked to sign a Home-School Agreement to commit to supporting these high standards of behaviour, attendance, work ethic, uniform and general attitude. A clear Code of Conduct ensures all students are aware of these standards.